We provide childcare for children from birth to two with songs, toys, and lots of love! In Pre-K through 3rd grade, the children learn Bible stories and concepts using songs, dance, skits, games, and crafts. In the 4th and 5th grades, the classes discuss stories from the faith history of our church and the Bible.
The Youth Group occupies “The Zone” and meets on Sunday mornings to explore their faith and learn about fellowship, service, and leadership. Many of the youth attend Leader-in-Training at God Camp on Oahu during the summer. Some of the youth serve as acolytes, and some choose to attend a confirmation class in the spring and be confirmed.
Offered by Rev. Mary during Lent, the Discovery Class is for people who want to learn more about the Christian faith, the Episcopal tradition, and St. Michael & All Angels. Participants often choose to be confirmed or received following the Discovery Class.
Adult Christian Formation gives us opportunities to mature in faith and understanding and to learn more about our spiritual journeys. A variety of classes, book and Bible studies, and lectures are offered between the Sunday services.
Women are invited to join the group that meets on Tuesdays from 11:30 to 1:00 to pursue various Bible studies.
We understand stewardship to be something more significant and more spiritual than the annual pledge drive. We understand that what we do with our money speaks volumes about our relationship with Jesus Christ, and we seek to improve ourselves as disciples. We are grateful for all the gifts God has bestowed on us, and we seek to respond with growing generosity.
The Endowment Fund was established in 2010 as a place for legacy gifts, or planned gifts, to be deposited upon a parishioner’s death. It is also where we are encouraged to make gifts in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion. The fund is growing, and the income it generates will help to support church ministries in years to come.
The All Angels Legacy Society was established in 2010 with 12 charter members who have included St. Michael & All Angels Church as beneficiaries of their estates. People can choose to leave a certain amount of money, a particular asset, or a percentage of their estate. People need not be wealthy; they simply need to name the church in their wills. We understand that we choose to do with our assets upon death makes a final statement about our faith and the place of the church in our lives.
The congregation of St. Michael & All Angels Church conducted a capital campaign in 2013 with the help of the Episcopal Church Foundation. Following a year devoted to discernment and determining the feasibility of various projects, a goal of $550,000 was set, with a challenge goal of $750,000. When the Jubilee Celebration was held on All Saints Day in November, the congregation had raised $650,000 to address a dozen capital improvement projects. Thanks to 140 donors, St. Michael's was able to improve its facilities so it can continue to share the good news of God's love.
Greeters welcome everyone to all three worship services and hand out service leaflets. They seek out visitors and newcomers and honor them with shell lei and aloha. When greeters do their job with intention, everyone who walks into the church is recognized and those who are not regular attendees, especially, are made to feel welcome. Because we live in a resort community, this is a very important ministry.
To give folks an opportunity to form relationships, St. Michael’s offers food and drink following most services. Those who attend the early service on Sunday morning gather in the Parish Hall for hot beverages and breakfast treats. The main service is followed by a hot meal featuring homemade soup and potluck dishes.
Liturgical festivals and special occasions are celebrated throughout the year. The folks at St. Michael’s love to congregate, eat, drink, and be merry. Everyone is welcome!
St. Michael’s food outreach program, Loaves and Fishes, is the largest food pantry on the island. The pantry distributes groceries to about 100 people each Wednesday morning. Loaves and Fishes is staffed by volunteers and supported with donations of food and cash from parishioners as well as other churches and organizations.
Volunteers staff the reception desk, answer the phone, compile mailings, and enable the church to communicate with the parish and the community.
During Lent we publicize the mission of Episcopal Relief and Development: to heal a hurting world. We take up a special collection and participate in global projects.
A significant portion of the income at St. Michael’s goes to support the efforts of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii, its mission churches, and the Episcopal camp on Oahu.
With our home on the island of Kauai, Hawaii and surrounded by thousands of miles of Pacific Ocean, our mission is to sustain a light within our community that illuminates Christ's love to an often dark and disconnected world.
ReSource began in the heart of The Rev. William B. Miller who envisioned a spirituality center, which would draw people to the beauty of God's creation on Kaua'i. After a time, prayer groups on the island began to express a yearning for more opportunities to be nurtured in the spiritual life. In response, on Pentecost 2013, ReSource for Christianity Spirituality was dedicated as an ecumenical ministry of St. Michael's. The Rev. Dr. Phyllis Meighen is the founder and director of RSCS.